Bruker apex
Bruker apex

bruker apex

With ECD, classic CID, and Infrared Laser Fragmentation (IRMPD), the apex-Qe brings three times more fragmentation options for the most possible structural information. Top↓Pro™ for top-down and bottom-up proteomics In addition, comparison of the entire experimental true isotope pattern of the sample with candidate theoretical profiles further validates the elemental composition. The GenerateFormula tool lists and rates possible empirical formulas consistent with the mass measurement. 1ppm is routine for intact molecular analysis by MS and structural questions via MS/MS without internal standards or recalibration. With the apex-Qe, high quality, exact mass measurement tools are only a mouse click away.

bruker apex

The intermediate pressure MALDI source offers exquisite sensitivity and preserves parent ion fidelity throughout the complete FTMS detection process. In just 60 seconds Combisource gives users the ability to switch to and from ESI and MALDI ionization with just the touch of a button. Ion Source Flexibility: While FTMS is ideally suited to liquid introduction, atmospheric pressure ionization techniques such as Electrospray (standard), APCI and Nanospray, Bruker Daltonics now offers a unique integrated ESI and MALDI ion source solution – CombisourceTM. With the modularity of our design, obtaining higher field strength systems from Bruker Daltonics can be done on initial order or as a magnet retrofit to existing systems on site. Capabilities such as FTMS dynamic range, center of mass collision energy and ion storage capacity show quadratic enhancement with field. Performance, Versatility, Confidence: Many important analytical properties increase with the square of magnetic field strength.

bruker apex

In addition extended performance versions of apex-Qe are available at 9.4 Tesla and now 12 Tesla – the worlds highest commercially available FTMS field strength. Magnet Choices: Bruker Daltonics offers ultra high performance actively shielded magnet technology with 7 Tesla on the standard apex-Qe system. Wide m/z range simultaneous detection of ions (e.g. Qh-hybrid along with CID and ECD for “top-down” proteomics (Top↓Pro™) facilitates selected gas phase ion enrichmentĮxtreme resolution capability for direct analysis of complex mixtures (> 600,000 FWHM)

#Bruker apex software

Automated software to confirm composition with m/z and isotopic pattern informationĮxact mass MS(n) capability for detailed structural analysis and peptide sequencing LC/MS/MS with data dependent acquisition using Bruker’s simple, unified Compass software packageĮxact mass MS analysis to sub-ppm levels for unambiguous determination of elemental chemical composition. The combined power of the new hybrid configuration features: Merging the latest quadrupole technology (complete with linear ion trapping modes), a superb multipole collision cell, together with the highest performing FTMS available is a quantum leap in capability. With the APEX-Q, the life science researcher now has access to automated data dependent MS/MS functionality operating with dynamic exclusion lists, inclusion lists and other "smart" MS/MS proteomics protocols with the added benefit of FTMS caliber performance. The new high-field APEX-Q can deliver sub-ppm mass accuracy, enormous resolving power for peptide mixtures, wide bandwidth detection, high dynamic range, and fast automated data-dependent MS/MS for detailed proteome characterization when coupled on-line to liquid chromatography. This novel combination further increases the superb resolution and mass accuracy of FTMS by using the latest proprietary high-field magnet technology, while adding facile and efficient precursor mass selection and collision induced dissociation in a conventional Qh "front end" for on-the-fly data-dependent MS/FTMS fragmentation, or selected accumulation of LC-separated protein digests.Ĭombining online femtomole sensitivity with ppm mass accuracy on LC-MS and LC-MS/MS data gives the specificity for even the most complex ID and de novo applications.

Bruker apex